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  • 19 Sep 2023 by Lisa Samick

    A wise friend, colleague and fellow board member once told me that the reason she took on a leadership position in BBYO was because someone reached out and asked her to fill a specific need. “I need you to bring the green Jello.” “It was specific, it was finite, and I understood the expectations,” she explained.

    So… here I am… asking you to bring the “green Jello.” Listed below are just a few of the ways you can get involved with the ECE-RJ. Each one is critical to the functioning of our organization. I am eager to speak with you, so let’s get this conversation started!

    Membership – Join our VP of Membership in working to ensure the best possible member experience for our ECE-RJ people. Be part of welcoming and onboarding new members, helping to engage potential members, or creating forums and opportunities for current members to network and connect.

    Learning – Join our VPs of Learning to craft and implement the professional development calendar for the year. Help brainstorm ideas, host meet ups, contact potential speakers… OR get involved in the conference planning!

    Finance – Join our VP of Finance in implementing our scholarship processes, fundraising and strategic planning.

    Marketing and Communications – Join our VP of Marketing and Communications to push out content on social media or help work on our amazing monthly newsletter, UNITE.

    Write an article!

    None of these requires more than a few hours/month and, of course, your enthusiasm, but makes a huge difference in our ongoing successes.

    Being President of ECE-RJ has been (so far – LOL) one of the most fulfilling and exciting experiences in my career and I am so grateful for the opportunity. But, when I think back to how I first got involved, I realize that I have received much more than I have given. Each committee and task force that I sat on, each board position that I have held, connected me to a network of incredible wisdom and support. I learned SO much about communication, advocacy and leadership and I am a better director today because of it.

    We will be following up with many of you to reach out and connect, but don’t wait for us! Feel free to reach out to me at or to our Executive Director, Tricia at

    • Sara Losch Great piece, Tricia. Once we get past the crying (us!) of the new year, I'll look at the volunteer opportunities. Thank you for doing all you do. G'mar chatimah tovah.
      11 months ago