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    Areas of Focus For 2020 see more

    There is comfort and predictability in routine. As early childhood educators we know routines can help children in classrooms, at home, and everywhere else. Routines enable our kids to know what is coming next, which in turn helps them regulate their emotions, employ their executive functioning skills, and eventually learn to complete multi-step directions.

    Routines are one of our best teaching tools, yet six months ago they were pulled out from under us. Suddenly all the predictability that we gave our children vanished, to be replaced with new routines, less ideal situations, and in some cases, fear and loss. As we plan to return to school this month, the preparation could feel overwhelming. 

    In a time when there is so much unknown, I have the very best news for you. What you need to do, you already know how to do .

    Here are the three main areas of learning that need our focus this year:

    1. Social, emotional health: Children must feel comfortable and safe before they learn anything else.
    2. Play: Children need to play their emotions out in dramatic play with relevant materials. Add doctor kits and masks to your repertoire of materials and then listen carefully as they start to talk.
    3. Mindfulness: It is our job to teach children how to cope with hard things. Teaching them how to sit in discomfort will help right now and always.

    In a quality early childhood program, all of that is old hat. You already have the skills and knowledge that you need. Start to think creatively about how to give more and more potent opportunities for these types of learning. You know how to do this.

    With social emotional health, play, and mindfulness at our center we will be set up for success. If we can provide those three things for children while supporting parents and teachers in their own experience, we’ll have just what we need for a productive and meaningful year.

    May this year return us to routine, while bringing new opportunities for growth, care, and learning. Shana Tova!

    Rena Alen
    Temple Israel NYC

    September 2020

     September 29, 2020