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2019 National Conference (San Antonio)

2019 ECE-RJ Conference
January 16 - 20, 2019 
San Antonio, TX

The 2019 ECE-RJ Conference Had It All

With the sun setting and the pleasant south-Texas air turning chilly,  attendees of the 19th ECE-RJ national conference huddled together for warmth, both physically and spiritual, in front of San Antonio’s most sacred and iconic landmark, The Alamo.

Together, with one voice, they began to sing Debbie Friedman’s iconic melody for the Havdalah Prayer.

As they did, tourists—who had come to visit a place where more than 800 individuals were killed or wounded (Texans and Mexicans)—stopped, watched and listened as the group of early childhood educators and their supporters marked the end of Shabbat, and a Conference with the theme, Peace in our Time. 

“All I could feel was love,” said Dale S. Cooperman, Director of Early Childhood Education at Albuquerque’s  Congregation Albert. “Love for my fellow attendees and love for the organization (ECE-RJ) that brought us all together.”

Cooperman was one of more than 100 teachers, directors, lay-leaders, congregational staff and religious leaders from 20 different states who attended this year’s conference.<More>



Key Presentations and Handouts

Cantor Mark Horowitz


Rabbi Joel Thal Simonds 

           Shira Kline   



Thank you to our Sponsors