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Welcoming New Families Begins Long Before School Starts

Welcoming New Families Begins Long Before School Starts

This time of year is filled with sleepless nights and endless lists for any educator.  The tone we set at the beginning will impact the year ahead.  In early childhood programs, this begins with how we welcome families into our program.  Welcoming needs to be done in an intentional way.  Deliberate planning and implementation will help to create an atmosphere that welcomes families and helps parents to feel a sense of trust and confidence leaving their children in your program.

The following is our plan for welcoming families into our program.  Please note that the * indicates adjustments made for COVID-19

  • Beginning at enrollment, families are placed on our email list and invited to all our family programs, including monthly Friday night Shabbat Celebrations, Challah Bake, Ice Cream Social, and others. *Families were invited to participate in our virtual monthly Shabbat blessings and virtual challah bake.
  • In the spring, prior to the start of the school year, families are invited to an event during the school day.  In past years, we have held dance parties, Teddy Bear Picnics, music programs, and other events. This gives children and parents the opportunity to meet each other, spend time in the classroom, and meet the teachers. * Only staff and enrolled children were allowed in the classrooms.  We were not able to do this in the spring.
  • In June, each new family is matched with a current family.  This one-to-one match allows everyone entering our program to already know another parent and child in the class.
  • In the summer, our parent council organizes two popsicle playdates and two parents’ nights out.  The dates are sent out in June and reminders are sent in advance. *These have been well attended and held outside.
  • During the week before school starts, families are invited to a welcome back event.   *Held outside. Teachers also do a Zoom or facetime call with each family.  Each teacher also records a story to send home.
  • The day before school starts, we hold orientation for students and parents. Teachers review morning routines and answer questions, and children have time to explore their classrooms. *One family visits the classroom, playground, and with teachers individually.  Parents register for a time.  We do this over 2 days.
  • During the first week, we host parent coffees.  Parents have a time to socialize as well as feel supported through this transition.  Parents are also given real-time updates on their children. *Held outside.
  • Within the first 2 weeks of school, parents are called by their child’s teacher, giving them an opportunity to ask questions and have a snapshot of how their child is adapting.
  • During the first month, the Director and executive assistant greet each family every day as well as to check in with families. *This is done every day.
  • During the first month, teachers post photos and updates on Remini as well as call or send photos to parents who are concerned about their child’s adjustment to school.
  • During the first month, our parent council reaches out to each family personally before our first council meeting of the year and first Shabbat program.

Each year, we reflect and add or adapt our plan.  It is a labor-intensive process, but it is one that creates a sense of community where each family feels connected, valued, and welcomed.

 Heidi Baker
 Director of Early Childhood Education and Engagement
 Temple Beth Avodah
 Newton, MA 

July/August 2021


 August 09, 2021