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Help for Congregations Hiring an Early Childhood Director

Help for Congregations Hiring an Early Childhood Director

Hiring Help for a New Lay Leader

In January of 2021, our preschool director of many years informed us that she was retiring at the end of that school year. As vice president of education, I was responsible for finding a new director.

When the Director gave notice of her retirement, the Education group decided to explore unifying our religious school (currently without a director) and our preschool under one umbrella.

Tricia Ginis, Executive Director, Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism, was a tremendous help. She took me through the pros and cons of such an effort. She put me in contact with relevant people to call. She provided job descriptions and other helpful documents. She even helped me craft a suitable job description

When that recruiting effort fell short, and we decided to search and hire a preschool director, Tricia was once again there to help. 

I do not know what I would have done without Tricia’s knowledgeable, kind, and unflagging support. In the true spirit of sacred partnership, Tricia guided me through not one, but two searches.

All’s well that ends well. We hired a topnotch director for our newly-branded school, Tree of Life Children’s Center at Temple Beth Israel.  

To you, the readers, as you begin a search for an ECE Director, make Tricia Ginis your first call. To Tricia, Todah Rabah!

Laura Zuckerman
Executive Committee Member
Temple Beth Israel, Pomona CA

 December 16, 2021